
“Have you got your shots yet?” “Got my first one last week.” “I’ve got both—what a weight off my shoulders. I’m feeling relieved and hopeful.” For many of us, the re-entry process has begun. Re-entry into a more normal life: not so much back to normal, but to what most folks are calling the new … [Read more…]

My Lessons From Last Year

I’m not a patient person by nature. I like things to go my way. When I pray, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,” I prefer the new abridged version, “Thy kingdom come, my will be done.” Well, 2020 taught me the error of my ways. Much as I had believed that my will controlled … [Read more…]

A Moment of Innocence

I approach the bayou pond. A family of four stands blocking my path. Grandpa, grandma, mom, and a little girl no more than eighteen months of age.   I rehearse my Covid dance. Step to the edge of the sidewalk, they will do the same. Greet each other with a smiling hello, and we’ll all … [Read more…]